Final Cut Pro X Logic Effects - Compressor Parameters

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Compressor Parameters

The Compressor offers the following parameters:

Circuit Type pop-up menu: Choose the type of circuit emulated by the Compressor. The

choices are Platinum, Class(ic) A_R, Class(ic) A_U, VCA, FET, and Opto (optical).

Side Chain Detection pop-up menu: Determines if the Compressor uses the maximum

level of each side-chained signal (Max) or the summed level of all side-chained signals
(Sum) to exceed or fall below the threshold.

• If either of the stereo channels exceeds or falls below the threshold, both channels

are compressed.

• If Sum is chosen, the combined level of both channels must exceed the threshold

before compression occurs.

Gain Reduction meter: Shows the amount of compression in real time.

Attack knob and field: Determines the amount of time it takes for the Compressor to

react when the signal exceeds the threshold.

Compression curve display: Shows the compression curve created by the combination

of Ratio and Knee parameter values. Input (level) is shown on the x-axis and output
(level) on the y-axis.

Release knob and field: Determines the amount of time it takes for the Compressor to

stop reducing the signal after the signal level falls below the threshold.

Auto button: When the Auto button is active, the release time dynamically adjusts to

the audio material.

Ratio slider and field: Sets the compression ratio—the ratio of signal reduction when

the threshold is exceeded.

Knee slider and field: Determines the strength of compression at levels close to the

threshold. Lower values result in more severe/immediate compression (hard knee).
Higher values result in gentler compression (soft knee).


Chapter 4

Levels Effects

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Compressor Threshold slider and field: Sets the threshold level—signals above this

threshold value are reduced in level.

Peak/RMS buttons: Determines whether signal analysis is with the Peak or RMS method,

when using the Platinum circuit type.

Gain slider and field: Sets the amount of gain applied to the output signal.

Auto Gain pop-up menu: Choose a value to compensate for volume reductions caused

by compression. The choices are Off, 0 dB, and −12 dB.

Limiter Threshold slider and field: Sets the threshold level for the limiter.

Limiter button: Turns the integrated limiter on or off.

Output Distortion pop-up menu (Extended Parameters area): Choose whether to apply

clipping above 0 dB, and the type of clipping. Choices are: Off, Soft, Hard, and Clip.

Activity pop-up menu (Extended Parameters area): Enables or disables the side chain.

Choices are: Off, Listen, and On.

Mode pop-up menu (Extended Parameters area): Choose the type of filter used for the

side chain. Choices are: LP (lowpass), BP (bandpass), HP (highpass), ParEQ (parametric),
and HS (high shelving).

Frequency slider and field (Extended Parameters area): Sets the center frequency for the

side-chain filter.

Q slider and field (Extended Parameters area): Sets the width of the frequency band

affected by the side-chain filter.

Gain slider and field (Extended Parameters area): Sets the amount of gain applied to the

side-chain signal.

Mix slider and field (Extended Parameters area): Determines the balance between dry

(source) and wet (effect) signals.